Here at The Widows Empowerment Trust we offer a personal befriending service like no other. Through this free service we aim to combat and tackle loneliness.
Whether you want to speak to someone every week, or just when the need strikes. We are here to help with home visits and telephone befriending.
Once you sign up for our befriending service, we'll first have an initial call with you; this is just so we can get to know a little bit more about you. We don't just pair you with anyone, you'll be matched with someone we think best suits your needs. It's important for you and your befriender to get along so you'll be matched based on personality and interests.
Visit times will be controlled between you and your befriender to ensure you find a time that is convenient for you both. The activity of the visit is entirely up to you but the befriender will always provide a listening ear.
Our team are happy to help with housework tasks, jobs that need doing around the house and or any work you have difficulty doing alone as part of our widows befriending service.
Shopping is hard work, specially when you live by yourself. As part of our befriending service, we are happy to do your weekly shop or help you with nearby errands that will make your life easier.
Sometimes attending medical or health appointments can seem a little daunting, and as part of our widows befriending service, we offer a hand to hold and company for your visit.
We want to make your life easier. Whether it involves heavy lifting, or just someone to speak to over a biscuit and a brew, our volunteers will be there for you as part of our widows befriending service.
We understand that face to face visits can be a little overwhelming for some people. That's why you can opt for telephone befriending. It's a similar process but you'll just chat to your befriender over the phone instead.
It is our promise that anything shared within your calls is completely confidential. Our volunteers are non judgemental so feel free to share as much or as little as you want. We'll be there for you, no matter what you are feeling.
No one should be referred to widows befriending service without prior family or client consultation. Please make sure the user has been asked before referral.
The Widows Empowerment Trust
Biz Space Business Park, Wilsons House, Manchester, United Kindom, M40 8WN.
Tel : 07479916948 Landline: 01619714072