I just wanted to thank you and your charity organisation so much again for Saturday. To be treated like that by a charity must be very rare. It was overwhelming in fact. Kindness like that doesn’t come around very often. It seems almost too unbelievable to be true. A dream. Dawn was so kind to come and pick me and bring me back too. Being a widow, saving up to have my house decorated and then buying myself a sofa, curtains, carpet is all l was and am trying to do and then you came along. Wow.! Then suddenly I am in a limousine driving around Manchester heading off to the Royal Toby. I would never ever have dreamed of doing that even when my husband was alive, let alone now that he is dead. That’s why l couldn’t help but cry in the limo thinking about how David had never been able to do anything like that. I hardly ever go out for a meal. And I would never have dreamed of going to the Royal
Toby as that is the last restaurant that David and I ever went in before he died. I had to just concentrate on eating. I am glad that I was able to eat well. At least I made the most of your kindness. It was so kind of you to invite me and even kinder for the charity to pay for me.
'Your charity is very good and your persistent check-ins motivated me'. Hamid testified that our charity supported him consistently and patiently whilst he was struggling with grief following the loss of his wife. He stated that he loved our professionalism, and how even at his lowest points the team never gave up on him, still checking in and phoning him. He expressed his feelings that a lot of people in the community like him will need our help in order to get through their own dark periods.
Ann was feeling particularly down thinking of her late husband and was feeling very isolated from society. Our team went to visit her and talk through her emotions, offering support whilst she shared her pain and frustration. Following our visit Ann said that she felt better, telling the team, ‘I feel like I can cope now’. We were able to encourage Ann to go out to a restaurant for a meal, something she had not been able to do in a long while.
I will forever be grateful to WET for your help in cleaning my home. Some charities deserves more than just a thank you. Just like WET you deserve a special place in my heart. We love you.
Hilda is a client of ours who joined the W.E.T. family following the loss of her dear husband. Shortly after losing her husband, Hilda also lost her eyesight and as such had to adapt too many changes at once. Hilda has become more cheerful with our support and affirms that she enjoys and looks forward to her befriender's visits!
'Oyovwe, I don't need to pay other agencies to do my shopping for me, I am going out myself!' Christine joined our W.E.T. family over a year ago as she was suffering from loneliness and social isolation. Following our befriending services, Christine is gaining back the confidence to do her own shopping after 8 years!
"Hiya Kim it's Greg just a nice message to say thank you for all your help and support you give me has been amazing. I would have been lost without the help and support. I hope that you liked your gift, I just wanted to show my appreciation for all that you have done for me. Thank you so very much. Can't wait to catch up with you again soon"
See what one of our clients has to say about the service
The Widows Empowerment Trust
Biz Space Business Park, Wilsons House, Manchester, United Kindom, M40 8WN.
Tel : 07479916948 Landline: 01619714072