In our efforts to support clients we have begun aiding some in their pursuit of benefit support after the loss of their spouse. One of our clients, Hamid, who had lost his wife had trouble claiming bereavement support and funeral expenses payment, we got in contact and helped to support our client in claiming the benefits they deserve and in appealing any negative decisions for our client. Initially it looked as though with our help Hamid’s story would be a success, however the government refused to pay the funding that was meant to cover the funeral’s cost. They insist that this is because Hamid finished his wife’s funeral in Iran, in his home. This is despite the fact that the funeral began in the UK, involving many British companies.
This left Hamid with a debt of £2000 owed to collectors that he was unable to repay. The stress of the debt only added to his turmoil, trying to mourn the loss of his wife as well as figure out how to cover the cost of her funeral. In order to help, we set up a GoFundMe for Hamid, to raise the funds he needed and help to support him, alleviating at least some of his stress.
Our team was able to hand the cheque over to Hamid in April 2022, providing vital support to help him cover his expenses. We would like to thank everyone that assisted us in this pursuit, and those who donated to the GoFundMe.
While this is not a service that we offer we have been glad to support wherever we can, and we are happy to help our clients with whatever support they need. If you or someone you know is in need of support, get in contact with us. We will always offer whatever help we can, wherever we are needed.
The Widows Empowerment Trust
Biz Space Business Park, Wilsons House, Manchester, United Kindom, M40 8WN.
Tel : 07479916948 Landline: 01619714072