January 2022 marked the five year anniversary of the Widows Empowerment Trust. The growth we have been able to achieve in such a short time frame and the support we have had from the community in order to do so is something we are enormously grateful for.
Our founder and CEO, Oyovwe Kigho, had a vision and a desire to break down barriers of social isolation and loneliness for those within the community that were experiencing loss. She has worked tirelessly to ensure that anyone who needed support got the help and care that they required. We are extremely proud of the impact we have had within Greater Manchester so far, and cannot wait to see how the trust continues to progress over the next five years.
To commemorate the organisations success Oyovwe invited the W.E.T.’s volunteers, staff, beneficiaries, and selected guests to ‘Escape the Freight Island’ for a night of festivities. Not only was this night a celebration, but also a thank you to those who have worked hard to ensure the success of our mission.
The Widows Empowerment Trust
Biz Space Business Park, Wilsons House, Manchester, United Kindom, M40 8WN.
Tel : 07479916948 Landline: 01619714072