At the Widows Empowerment Trust, we arrange a meal out once a month with our members for a night of socialising and fun. The meal allows our beneficiaries to discuss and share their personal experiences, a reminder to everyone that they are not alone when experiencing grief. All of our members are invited to come along, promoting social inclusion and creating the opportunity to connect with others face to face. The group discuss the restaurant or place to have a meal together .T he group enjoyed good food and good company.
The loss of a loved one often provokes feelings of acute loneliness. It can leave people vulnerable to loneliness and social isolation, which can actually affect their overall health and well being. Studies have shown that loneliness and social isolation are linked to an increased risk for certain health problems including heart disease, depression, and cognitive decline. We understand the importance of supporting those struggling through grief in their battle against the loneliness that follows loss and that is why promoting socialisation and inclusion is our number one goal. We are so grateful to be able to resume activities such as these, with Covid putting a stop to many of our usual activities, having the opportunity to be together in person again is a gift.
As well as our monthly meal out, we also offer weekly zoom meetings along with our befriending services. If you need bereavement support do not hesitate to get in touch, our team are always ready to provide help and support in any way we can.
The Widows Empowerment Trust
Biz Space Business Park, Wilsons House, Manchester, United Kindom, M40 8WN.
Tel : 07479916948 Landline: 01619714072