In the UK restrictions are changing daily but during this global coronavirus pandemic, we know that you need us now more than ever.
That's why we've re-imagined our services to ensure we follow the correct government guidelines whilst also giving the lonely and bereaved the support they need.
This pandemic has brought upon us extra rules and regulations that have forced us to close our local activity centers and take everything we do online. We cover a lot of our services through Zoom now due to rules on socially distancing.
For a lot of our service users; Covid-19 has caused them to be more alone than ever, that's why we keep in touch and try to keep everyone busy at home! Not to mention a lot of our service users are also high risk making it extra important to indulge in activities from the comfort of your own home.
Due to being based in Manchester we can only deliver to our clients in the Greater Manchester area. Our service is specifically for widows & the elderly.
The lockdown stay at home rule is helping to combat this deadly virus but is causing so much loneliness and social isolation. Connecting to our service users via Zoom has really helped to combat loneliness and isolation due to Coronavirus Pandemic.
Our Zoom activity sessions include Bingo Quiz Nights, Arts & Crafts & general celebrations! Everything will be delivered to your door that you may need for the session so don't worry!
As we get older, we spend more and more time with less people around to talk to. This can be extremely tough to deal with if you are bereaved or lonely. We offer free telephone friendship services so you can enjoy chatting with someone over the phone, all from the comfort of your own home.
We'll match you with one of our volunteer befriendees who will call you weekly for a chat. The great thing about this service is you don't even have to press a button, because we'll call you! If you or someone you know is missing the joy of regular conversation, please get in touch because we are here to help.
Getting up and about can be a real struggle sometimes, especially if you're carrying heavy shopping bags. This pandemic has made it even harder and to support yourself.
We recognize that many of our service users are elderly so it's more dangerous than ever to be out of the house. That's why we do deliveries straight to your door!
Head Office: Biz space Business park, Wilsons House, Manchester.United Kindom M40 8WN
The Widows Empowerment Trust
Biz Space Business Park, Wilsons House, Manchester, United Kindom, M40 8WN.
Tel : 07479916948 Landline: 01619714072