As a proportion of our users are elderly, we try and support them in any way we can, and this involves helping and supporting users with dementia.
As a part of this project we have set up an activity program consisting of arts and crafts, and musical sessions with singing and dance. Read more about the benefits these activities can have for people with dementia, and learn more about the condition.
The support group session takes place every Thursday between 1 pm and 3 pm.
You can sign up here.
Sessions with music, dance and singing helps to encourage interaction, confidence and brings emotional closeness, all things people with dementia can struggle with. Other benefits include building motor skill, agitation management and working to maintain communication and interpersonal skills.
Our programme involves the use of music, singing and dancing, along with several different arts and crafts to engage our users. But why these particular activities?
Music can be a powerful form of self expression and engagement both on their own and with others. Even in late stages of dementia when verbal communication is difficult, people can still hum along to a melody they love, or tap the beat of their favourite tune. And most importantly, doesn't everyone deserve the joy of music?
Arts & Crafts
Art gives a sense of accomplishment and purpose, as well as being a good form of self-expression and an excellent activity for building confidence. Our volunteers are here to help users get started, and to talk about the projects they create. This also gives them excellent opportunities to engage with others in the session.
The events that we host are predominantly based in Greater Manchester. We recognise that not everyone lives close to or can attend events based in Manchester so we've some links that may be useful for you down below.
More and more institutions are using different forms of art, music and cultural elements to help and engage people with dementia. Several museums and organisations like Arts4Dementia have started working to create dementia-friendly exhibitions and events. Find out more and research venues in your area.
No one should be referred to widows befriending service without prior family or client consultation. Please make sure the user has been asked before referral.
The Widows Empowerment Trust
Biz Space Business Park, Wilsons House, Manchester, United Kindom, M40 8WN.
Tel : 07479916948 Landline: 01619714072