Here at the Widows Empowerment Trust, we have hosted an annual Christmas Party since 2017 for our beneficiaries and volunteers. The party is always full of fun and laughter, and provides a great opportunity to socialise! We understand how hard the holidays can be following the loss of a loved one and we aim to do our best to ensure that everyone can celebrate and be surrounded by love at such a challenging time.
Memories serve as a constant reminder of loss, with holidays often bringing families together to celebrate, and as such highlighting a person’s absence even more than usual. For many, Christmas is filled with family festivities and large dinners all together. This can be tough when a person is not ready to accept the loss they have experienced and can be emotionally conflicting. One of the most challenging parts of celebrating holidays after loss can be letting go of old traditions you shared with those who are no longer here. One way we hope to help is by creating new opportunities for tradition, by celebrating with us instead. Our party is also an opportunity to say thank you for all those involved within our organisation, whether that be as one of our beneficiaries or as one of our volunteers, it is everyone’s input that allows us to continue working towards our goal of eliminating social isolation.
With Covid putting a stop to our celebrations over the last couple of years we are thoroughly looking forward to being able to celebrate in person again with our group again this year.
The Widows Empowerment Trust
Biz Space Business Park, Wilsons House, Manchester, United Kindom, M40 8WN.
Tel : 07479916948 Landline: 01619714072